Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Boycotting the New York Times

A Pew Research Center Survey showed that 70 percent of people surveyed thought that the New York Times was biased towards Barack Obama. This has led to a boycott against the New York Times led by Don Feder, editor of AIM.com which stands for Accuracy in Media. He believes that the New York Times has been manipulative and misrepresenative of the McCain campaign. “As bad as The New York Times has been before, it’s nothing compared to the way the paper has managed, manipulated and mangled coverage of the 2008 campaign,” Feder observed. “Not a day goes by that The Times doesn’t misrepresent John McCain, ridicule Sarah Palin, refuse to report a revelation that reflects badly on the Obama-Biden campaign, or rationalize Obama’s radical past.”
The Pew survey found that a mere 9 percent of voters think the media favors McCain and 70 percent who think that journalists favor Obama. This same survey found that in 2004 50 percent of voters thought that the press favored John Kerry and 22 percent of the media favored George Bush. What's extremely interesting is a study of media coverage of the candidates six weeks after the nominating convention. The Project for Excellence in Journalism showed that there were 4 times as many negative stories about McCain than there was about Obama.
A Rasmussen report showed that only 24 percent of Americans have a positive view of the New York Times. That's not a lot.
I know that I have said this before in another blog but I just want to say it one more time. While I am not a huge fan of McCain and Palin I think that both candidates should be given the same coverage(which I know will never happen in any campaign) and I think that the public should be given information plain and simple. There should not be any type of bias coverage in any article. I personally would like to think that when I read an article or watch the news on television my own mind is being made up by reading facts and not being influenced by a journalist being biased towards one candidate and showing their own opinion.


Shanice_Gray said...

I want to feel like my mind is being made up because of facts and not opinions also. I'm not a big fan of McCain neither so when I dont see him in the media as much as Obama I guess I never notice it.

Aleeyah D. said...

I feel the same way about being able informed about the different candidates by factual information, rather by bias opinions. Although, someone (meaning a newspaper or an individual) may prefer and support one candidate over another the deciding factor is left up to you. If you have your mind set on something nothing can affect that unless you let it.

G.T. Wilder said...

Some people accuse news outlets as having an politcal agenda and that they are trying to influence the vote. I'm not going to venture to dicuss that, but want to look at another possible reason.

Would some reporters not want to reveal negative information about Obama or Palin in fear of being labeled a racist or sexist?

furioussteve said...

I agree with you completely that journalist should not be influencing the way people think. Their only job should be reporting the facts to reveal truth, not opinion. I am glad to see that people are boycotting the New York Times. Hopefully, this will force them to be more accurate and fair in thier stories.

Madison said...

I support AIM's complaints.

Obama has been hailed by the media. They are sick of George W. Bush, and much of the media do not want a repeat.

And they think Barack Obama will bring peace.

As my friend likes to say "my foot."

This whole concept of change has made me think long-term. Where will our country by in 4, 8, or 12 years? Which candidate offers the best policies?

Iran is not a threat? They cannot pose a threat as the Soviet Union did? Because they are a SMALL COUNTRY?

I do not think Senator Obama realizes the significance of the threat of Iran.

In this video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ew5qP2oPdtQ), Barack Obama says that he does not think that Iran could stand a chance against the strength of America.

I beg to differ. Iran is building nuclear weapons now.

Their president said in 2005"anyone who recognizes Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation's fury." America recognizes Israel.

I wish the media would present the facts and present the truth of how American is perceived in the East. 9/11 opened America's eyes to the truth of the terrorist organizations hiring hundreds of thousands of people that are determined to destroy the West.

If the media could grasp the reality of some of Senator Obama's well-thought, but faulty and impossible plans, their perspective would change on the future of America, and who controls the White House.

Senator Biden was right. If Obama gets the presidential ticket, he will be tested; however, America will be tested.

Kristin said...

I can't wait for this election to come and go. I am tired of all of this shady reporting!