Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Is the Foreign Press Not That Important???

I came across an article in the Columbia Journalism Review. Obama held a rally in Chicago at Grant Park. Apparently the foreign press wants to be apart of this historic event, and as well they should be. The president and CEO of Eurovision Americas Inc. “All major television networks in European countries are hosting special overnight election programs”, Mr. Dunlop said, adding that “the entire European press corps” is in the United States right now, with correspondents in Washington, Phoenix, and Chicago.
Countries like Spain, Germany, Italy, etc wanted to part of this event that was taking place in Grant Park but were told it was somewhere else. “We applied for eight positions on the riser,” which holds eighty positions in total, at $1000 per spot, Dunlop said, “and we were told by the Obama campaign last Thursday, five days before the event, that we were given only one. Obviously we cannot possibly rotate forty-five correspondents on one position.”
When Obama's camp was asked about why the foreign press was told that the rally was going to be somewhere else other than Grant Park, they declined to comment. While I think that our press is first and foremost right now when it comes to telling myself about what is going on, I also think that if other countries want to let their own public back home know about what is going on in this historic time, then they should be given that right.


Shanice_Gray said...
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Shanice_Gray said...

yea, other countries press should be given the same rights as the American press; however, it could have been more of a safety issue for our future president rather than the camp being baised.

Aleeyah D. said...

There is a possibility that there could have been a misunderstanding of information given. It just doesn’t seem like Obama’s campaign would go through the trouble of misguiding someone from a historic moment on purpose.

Madison said...

Well, first of all, I hope that the Obama campaign truly did make a mistake when providing the wrong location for the foreign press. The foreign press does have a right to view the results and record this momentous election to transmit back to their home countries.

Articles prior to the race showed Europe heavily in favor of Obama. Perhaps this is the reason that the foreign press was so enthralled with seeing Sen. Obama.

furioussteve said...

I agree with you that other countries should have the same right to report this election, especially since this Obama is considered the first global president. He appeals to many foreign countries right now.